Софт Помогите со скриптом.

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.

Ghetto Thrasher

Автор темы
Нашел я в интернете аим.
Хочу изменить текст при его активации по умолчанию "Аimbot enable/disablе" на "FPSUP enable/disable", так же по возможности куда-нибудь в уголок добавить меню с шалящим показателем ФПС ( от 60 до 120 ), которое появится после активации скрипта. Но вот проблема, не умею я обращаться с CLEO, да и только изменив текст при компиляции возникает куча ошибок.
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP 
0001: wait 2000 
03A4: script_name "$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE" 
03F0: use_text_commands 1 
31@ = 0 

0001: wait 0 
00D6: if 
0AB0:   is_key_pressed 123 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_160 
00D6: if 
  31@ == 0 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_122 
0AD1: print_formatted_now "Aimbot ~g~enabled" time 1000  
31@ = 1 
0001: wait 200 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_160 

0AD1: print_formatted_now "Aimbot ~r~disabled" time 1000  
31@ = 0 
0001: wait 200 

00D6: if 
  31@ == 1 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273 
00D6: if and
0AD2:   get_char_player_is_targeting $PLAYER_CHAR store_to 2@ 
82D8:   not is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_224 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_280 1 2@  
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273 

00D6: if and
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1963 1 150.0 2@  
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_280 1 2@  

0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_41 

0085: 2@ = 0@ // (int) 
00D6: if and
056D:   does_char_exist 2@ 
00E1:   is_button_pressed 0 button 6 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_585 
00D6: if and
8118:   not is_char_dead 2@ 
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 2@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_585 
0A96: get_char_pointer 2@ store_to 6@ 
6@ += 68 
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 3@ 
6@ += 4 
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 4@ 
6@ += 4 
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 5@ 
00A0: get_char_coordinates 2@ store_to 6@ 7@ 8@ 
10@ = 5 
11@ = 5 
005A: 10@ += 11@ // (int) 
0093: 10@ = int_to_float 10@ 
12@ = 17.0 
12@ /= 360.0 
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float) 
006B: 4@ *= 12@ // (float) 
006B: 5@ *= 12@ // (float) 
006B: 3@ *= 10@ // (float) 
006B: 4@ *= 10@ // (float) 
006B: 5@ *= 10@ // (float) 
005B: 6@ += 3@ // (float) 
005B: 7@ += 4@ // (float) 
005B: 8@ += 5@ // (float) 
00D6: if 
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_563 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_590 1 2@  

0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_968 4 2@ 6@ 7@ 8@  

0AB2: ret 0 

31@ = 6.0 
29@ = 255 
28@ = 55 
27@ = 1.0 
00D6: if 
  31@ > 8.0 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_653 
30@ = 1 

00D6: if 
   not 31@ >= 6.0 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_681 
30@ = 0 

00D6: if 
  30@ == 0 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_709 
31@ += 0.05 

00D6: if 
  30@ == 1 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_737 
31@ -= 0.05 

04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 0@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2356 3 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@  
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float) 
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float) 
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255 
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float) 
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float) 
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255 
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float) 
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float) 
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255 
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float) 
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float) 
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255 
0AB2: ret 0 

0087: 4@ = 1@ // (float) 
0087: 5@ = 2@ // (float) 
0087: 6@ = 3@ // (float) 
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 1@ 2@ 3@ 
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 7@ 8@ 9@ 
0063: 1@ -= 4@ // (float) 
0063: 2@ -= 5@ // (float) 
0096: abs_var_float 1@ 
0096: abs_var_float 2@ 
0087: 10@ = 1@ // (float) 
0087: 11@ = 2@ // (float) 
006B: 10@ *= 10@ // (float) 
006B: 11@ *= 11@ // (float) 
005B: 10@ += 11@ // (float) 
01FB: sqrt 10@ store_to 10@ 
0087: 11@ = 1@ // (float) 
0087: 12@ = 10@ // (float) 
0073: 11@ /= 12@ // (float) 
0AA5: call_function 4327328 num_params 1 pop 1 11@  
0AE9: pop_float 12@ 
0AA5: call_function 4775488 num_params 1 pop 1 11@  
0AE9: pop_float 13@ 
00D6: if 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1863 0 16@  
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302 
00D6: if 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1364 7 4@ 5@ 7@ 8@ 12@ 13@ 16@ 15@  
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302 
00D6: if 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1307 6 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ 8@ 9@  
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302 
15@ += 0.0387 
0A8C: write_memory 11989592 size 4 val 15@ vp 0 

0AB2: ret 0 

00D6: if 
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 3@ 4@ 5@ to 0@ 1@ 2@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1357 
0485: is_pc_version 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1359 

059A:  return_false 

0AB2: ret 0 

00D6: if 
  6@ == 5 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1429 
7@ = 0.011 
8@ = 0.011 
9@ = 1.5595 
10@ = 1.582 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1599 

00D6: if 
  6@ == 6 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1559 
00D6: if 
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1512 
7@ = 0.039 
8@ = 0.039 
9@ = 1.532 
10@ = 1.61 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1552 

7@ = 0.02 
8@ = 0.02 
9@ = 1.5507 
10@ = 1.5907 

0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1599 

7@ = -0.003 
8@ = -0.003 
9@ = 1.572 
10@ = 1.568 

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@ 
0025:   3@ > 1@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1642 
0063: 5@ -= 8@ // (float) 
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float) 

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@ 
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1695 
5@ *= -1.0 
0063: 5@ -= 7@ // (float) 
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float) 

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@ 
0025:   3@ > 1@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1738 
005B: 4@ += 9@ // (float) 
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float) 

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@ 
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1791 
4@ *= -1.0 
0063: 4@ -= 10@ // (float) 
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float) 

0A8D: read_memory 11989592 size 4 vp 0 store_to 11@ 
0063: 11@ -= 15@ // (float) 
00D6: if and
   not 11@ >= 0.18 
  11@ > -0.18 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1853 
0485: is_pc_version 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1855 

059A:  return_false 

0AB2: ret 1 15@ 

0A96: get_char_pointer $PLAYER_ACTOR store_to 0@ 
0@ += 1816 
0A8D: read_memory 0@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 1@ 
00D6: if or
  1@ == 2 
  1@ == 3 
  1@ == 4 
  1@ == 5 
  1@ == 6 
  1@ == 7 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1953 
0485: is_pc_version 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1955 

059A:  return_false 

0AB2: ret 1 1@ 

28@ = 0.0 

0A8D: read_memory 12010640 size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@ 
29@ += 4 
0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@ 
30@ = 0 

0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 31@ 
29@ += 1 
00D6: if and
  31@ >= 0 
  128 > 31@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299 
005A: 31@ += 30@ // (int) 
00D6: if 
056D:   does_char_exist 31@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299 
00D6: if 
803C:   not  $PLAYER_ACTOR == 31@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299 
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 27@ 26@ 25@ 
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 24@ 23@ 22@ 
00D6: if and
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 27@ 26@ 25@ to 24@ 23@ 22@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0 
80DF:   not is_char_in_any_car 31@ 
8118:   not is_char_dead 31@ 
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 31@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299 
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 10@ 11@ 12@ 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2356 3 10@ 11@ 12@ 13@ 14@  
0509: get_distance_between_coords_2d 339.1 179.1 and 13@ 14@ store_to 15@ 
00D6: if 
0035:   28@ >= 15@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299 
0AB2: ret 1 31@ 

30@ += 256 
  30@ > 35584 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2013 
28@ += 8.0 
001D:   28@ > 0@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1973 
0AB2: ret 1 -1 

0AC7: get_var_pointer 0@ store_to 14@ 
0AC7: get_var_pointer 3@ store_to 15@ 
0AC7: get_var_pointer 6@ store_to 16@ 
0AC7: get_var_pointer 9@ store_to 17@ 
0AA5: call_function 7392816 num_params 6 pop 6 0 0 17@ 16@ 15@ 14@  
12@ = 640.0 
13@ = 448.0 
0A8D: read_memory 12677188 size 4 vp 0 store_to 14@ 
0A8D: read_memory 12677192 size 4 vp 0 store_to 15@ 
0093: 14@ = int_to_float 14@ 
0093: 15@ = int_to_float 15@ 
0073: 12@ /= 14@ // (float) 
0073: 13@ /= 15@ // (float) 
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float) 
006B: 4@ *= 13@ // (float) 
0AB2: ret 2 3@ 4@


В чем проблема написать свой текст?Функции отрисовки фпс можешь взять из fpsunlock'a.

Ghetto Thrasher

Автор темы
В чем проблема написать свой текст?Функции отрисовки фпс можешь взять из fpsunlock'a.
Ну смотри, переписал я текст, компилирую, выдает ошибку


Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Нашел я в интернете аим.
Хочу изменить текст при его активации по умолчанию "Аimbot enable/disablе" на "FPSUP enable/disable", так же по возможности куда-нибудь в уголок добавить меню с шалящим показателем ФПС ( от 60 до 120 ), которое появится после активации скрипта. Но вот проблема, не умею я обращаться с CLEO, да и только изменив текст при компиляции возникает куча ошибок.
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP 
0001: wait 2000 
03A4: script_name "$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE" 
03F0: use_text_commands 1 
31@ = 0 

0001: wait 0 
00D6: if 
0AB0:   is_key_pressed 123 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_160 
00D6: if 
  31@ == 0 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_122 
0AD1: print_formatted_now "Aimbot ~g~enabled" time 1000  
31@ = 1 
0001: wait 200 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_160 

0AD1: print_formatted_now "Aimbot ~r~disabled" time 1000  
31@ = 0 
0001: wait 200 

00D6: if 
  31@ == 1 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273 
00D6: if and
0AD2:   get_char_player_is_targeting $PLAYER_CHAR store_to 2@ 
82D8:   not is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_224 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_280 1 2@  
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273 

00D6: if and
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1963 1 150.0 2@  
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_280 1 2@  

0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_41 

0085: 2@ = 0@ // (int) 
00D6: if and
056D:   does_char_exist 2@ 
00E1:   is_button_pressed 0 button 6 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_585 
00D6: if and
8118:   not is_char_dead 2@ 
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 2@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_585 
0A96: get_char_pointer 2@ store_to 6@ 
6@ += 68 
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 3@ 
6@ += 4 
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 4@ 
6@ += 4 
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 5@ 
00A0: get_char_coordinates 2@ store_to 6@ 7@ 8@ 
10@ = 5 
11@ = 5 
005A: 10@ += 11@ // (int) 
0093: 10@ = int_to_float 10@ 
12@ = 17.0 
12@ /= 360.0 
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float) 
006B: 4@ *= 12@ // (float) 
006B: 5@ *= 12@ // (float) 
006B: 3@ *= 10@ // (float) 
006B: 4@ *= 10@ // (float) 
006B: 5@ *= 10@ // (float) 
005B: 6@ += 3@ // (float) 
005B: 7@ += 4@ // (float) 
005B: 8@ += 5@ // (float) 
00D6: if 
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_563 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_590 1 2@  

0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_968 4 2@ 6@ 7@ 8@  

0AB2: ret 0 

31@ = 6.0 
29@ = 255 
28@ = 55 
27@ = 1.0 
00D6: if 
  31@ > 8.0 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_653 
30@ = 1 

00D6: if 
   not 31@ >= 6.0 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_681 
30@ = 0 

00D6: if 
  30@ == 0 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_709 
31@ += 0.05 

00D6: if 
  30@ == 1 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_737 
31@ -= 0.05 

04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 0@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2356 3 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@  
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float) 
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float) 
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255 
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float) 
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float) 
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255 
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float) 
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float) 
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255 
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float) 
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float) 
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255 
0AB2: ret 0 

0087: 4@ = 1@ // (float) 
0087: 5@ = 2@ // (float) 
0087: 6@ = 3@ // (float) 
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 1@ 2@ 3@ 
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 7@ 8@ 9@ 
0063: 1@ -= 4@ // (float) 
0063: 2@ -= 5@ // (float) 
0096: abs_var_float 1@ 
0096: abs_var_float 2@ 
0087: 10@ = 1@ // (float) 
0087: 11@ = 2@ // (float) 
006B: 10@ *= 10@ // (float) 
006B: 11@ *= 11@ // (float) 
005B: 10@ += 11@ // (float) 
01FB: sqrt 10@ store_to 10@ 
0087: 11@ = 1@ // (float) 
0087: 12@ = 10@ // (float) 
0073: 11@ /= 12@ // (float) 
0AA5: call_function 4327328 num_params 1 pop 1 11@  
0AE9: pop_float 12@ 
0AA5: call_function 4775488 num_params 1 pop 1 11@  
0AE9: pop_float 13@ 
00D6: if 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1863 0 16@  
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302 
00D6: if 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1364 7 4@ 5@ 7@ 8@ 12@ 13@ 16@ 15@  
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302 
00D6: if 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1307 6 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ 8@ 9@  
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302 
15@ += 0.0387 
0A8C: write_memory 11989592 size 4 val 15@ vp 0 

0AB2: ret 0 

00D6: if 
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 3@ 4@ 5@ to 0@ 1@ 2@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1357 
0485: is_pc_version 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1359 

059A:  return_false 

0AB2: ret 0 

00D6: if 
  6@ == 5 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1429 
7@ = 0.011 
8@ = 0.011 
9@ = 1.5595 
10@ = 1.582 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1599 

00D6: if 
  6@ == 6 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1559 
00D6: if 
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1512 
7@ = 0.039 
8@ = 0.039 
9@ = 1.532 
10@ = 1.61 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1552 

7@ = 0.02 
8@ = 0.02 
9@ = 1.5507 
10@ = 1.5907 

0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1599 

7@ = -0.003 
8@ = -0.003 
9@ = 1.572 
10@ = 1.568 

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@ 
0025:   3@ > 1@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1642 
0063: 5@ -= 8@ // (float) 
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float) 

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@ 
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1695 
5@ *= -1.0 
0063: 5@ -= 7@ // (float) 
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float) 

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@ 
0025:   3@ > 1@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1738 
005B: 4@ += 9@ // (float) 
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float) 

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@ 
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1791 
4@ *= -1.0 
0063: 4@ -= 10@ // (float) 
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float) 

0A8D: read_memory 11989592 size 4 vp 0 store_to 11@ 
0063: 11@ -= 15@ // (float) 
00D6: if and
   not 11@ >= 0.18 
  11@ > -0.18 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1853 
0485: is_pc_version 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1855 

059A:  return_false 

0AB2: ret 1 15@ 

0A96: get_char_pointer $PLAYER_ACTOR store_to 0@ 
0@ += 1816 
0A8D: read_memory 0@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 1@ 
00D6: if or
  1@ == 2 
  1@ == 3 
  1@ == 4 
  1@ == 5 
  1@ == 6 
  1@ == 7 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1953 
0485: is_pc_version 
0002: goto @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1955 

059A:  return_false 

0AB2: ret 1 1@ 

28@ = 0.0 

0A8D: read_memory 12010640 size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@ 
29@ += 4 
0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@ 
30@ = 0 

0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 31@ 
29@ += 1 
00D6: if and
  31@ >= 0 
  128 > 31@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299 
005A: 31@ += 30@ // (int) 
00D6: if 
056D:   does_char_exist 31@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299 
00D6: if 
803C:   not  $PLAYER_ACTOR == 31@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299 
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 27@ 26@ 25@ 
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 24@ 23@ 22@ 
00D6: if and
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 27@ 26@ 25@ to 24@ 23@ 22@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0 
80DF:   not is_char_in_any_car 31@ 
8118:   not is_char_dead 31@ 
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 31@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299 
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 10@ 11@ 12@ 
0AB1: call @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2356 3 10@ 11@ 12@ 13@ 14@  
0509: get_distance_between_coords_2d 339.1 179.1 and 13@ 14@ store_to 15@ 
00D6: if 
0035:   28@ >= 15@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299 
0AB2: ret 1 31@ 

30@ += 256 
  30@ > 35584 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2013 
28@ += 8.0 
001D:   28@ > 0@ 
004D: goto_if_false @$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1973 
0AB2: ret 1 -1 

0AC7: get_var_pointer 0@ store_to 14@ 
0AC7: get_var_pointer 3@ store_to 15@ 
0AC7: get_var_pointer 6@ store_to 16@ 
0AC7: get_var_pointer 9@ store_to 17@ 
0AA5: call_function 7392816 num_params 6 pop 6 0 0 17@ 16@ 15@ 14@  
12@ = 640.0 
13@ = 448.0 
0A8D: read_memory 12677188 size 4 vp 0 store_to 14@ 
0A8D: read_memory 12677192 size 4 vp 0 store_to 15@ 
0093: 14@ = int_to_float 14@ 
0093: 15@ = int_to_float 15@ 
0073: 12@ /= 14@ // (float) 
0073: 13@ /= 15@ // (float) 
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float) 
006B: 4@ *= 13@ // (float) 
0AB2: ret 2 3@ 4@
{$CLEO .cs}
while not Samp.Available()
    wait 0

wait 0
00D6: if
0AB0:   is_key_pressed 123
004D: goto_if_false @160
00D6: if
  31@ == 0
004D: goto_if_false @122
0AD1: print_formatted_now "FPSUP ~g~enabled" time 1000 
31@ = 1
wait 200
0002: goto @160

0AD1: print_formatted_now "FPSUP ~r~disabled" time 1000 
31@ = 0
wait 200

00D6: if
  31@ == 1
004D: goto_if_false @273
00D6: if and
0AD2:   get_char_player_is_targeting $PLAYER_CHAR store_to 2@
82D8:   not is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @224
0AB1: call @280 1 2@ 
0002: goto @273

00D6: if and
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
0AB1: call @1963 1 150.0 2@ 
004D: goto_if_false @273
0AB1: call @280 1 2@ 

0002: goto @41

0085: 2@ = 0@ // (int)
00D6: if and
056D:   does_char_exist 2@
00E1:   is_button_pressed 0 button 6
004D: goto_if_false @585
00D6: if and
8118:   not is_char_dead 2@
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 2@
004D: goto_if_false @585
0A96: get_char_pointer 2@ store_to 6@
6@ += 68
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 3@
6@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 4@
6@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 5@
00A0: get_char_coordinates 2@ store_to 6@ 7@ 8@
10@ = 5
11@ = 5
005A: 10@ += 11@ // (int)
0093: 10@ = int_to_float 10@
12@ = 17.0
12@ /= 360.0
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 5@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 3@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 5@ *= 10@ // (float)
005B: 6@ += 3@ // (float)
005B: 7@ += 4@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 5@ // (float)
00D6: if
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @563
0AB1: call @590 1 2@ 

0AB1: call @968 4 2@ 6@ 7@ 8@ 

ret 0

31@ = 6.0
29@ = 255
28@ = 55
27@ = 1.0
00D6: if
  31@ > 8.0
004D: goto_if_false @653
30@ = 1

00D6: if
   not 31@ >= 6.0
004D: goto_if_false @681
30@ = 0

00D6: if
  30@ == 0
004D: goto_if_false @709
31@ += 0.05

00D6: if
  30@ == 1
004D: goto_if_false @737
31@ -= 0.05

04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 0@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 1@ 2@ 3@
0AB1: call @2356 3 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float)
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float)
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
ret 0

0087: 4@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 5@ = 2@ // (float)
0087: 6@ = 3@ // (float)
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 1@ 2@ 3@
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 7@ 8@ 9@
0063: 1@ -= 4@ // (float)
0063: 2@ -= 5@ // (float)
0096: abs_var_float 1@
0096: abs_var_float 2@
0087: 10@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 11@ = 2@ // (float)
006B: 10@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 11@ *= 11@ // (float)
005B: 10@ += 11@ // (float)
01FB: sqrt 10@ store_to 10@
0087: 11@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 12@ = 10@ // (float)
0073: 11@ /= 12@ // (float)
0AA5: call_function 4327328 num_params 1 pop 1 11@ 
0AE9: pop_float 12@
0AA5: call_function 4775488 num_params 1 pop 1 11@ 
0AE9: pop_float 13@
00D6: if
0AB1: call @1863 0 16@ 
004D: goto_if_false @1302
00D6: if
0AB1: call @1364 7 4@ 5@ 7@ 8@ 12@ 13@ 16@ 15@ 
004D: goto_if_false @1302
00D6: if
0AB1: call @1307 6 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ 8@ 9@ 
004D: goto_if_false @1302
15@ += 0.0387
0A8C: write_memory 11989592 size 4 val 15@ vp 0

ret 0

00D6: if
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 3@ 4@ 5@ to 0@ 1@ 2@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0
004D: goto_if_false @1357
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @1359

059A:  return_false

ret 0

00D6: if
  6@ == 5
004D: goto_if_false @1429
7@ = 0.011
8@ = 0.011
9@ = 1.5595
10@ = 1.582
0002: goto @1599

00D6: if
  6@ == 6
004D: goto_if_false @1559
00D6: if
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @1512
7@ = 0.039
8@ = 0.039
9@ = 1.532
10@ = 1.61
0002: goto @1552

7@ = 0.02
8@ = 0.02
9@ = 1.5507
10@ = 1.5907

0002: goto @1599

7@ = -0.003
8@ = -0.003
9@ = 1.572
10@ = 1.568

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@
0025:   3@ > 1@
004D: goto_if_false @1642
0063: 5@ -= 8@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float)

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@
004D: goto_if_false @1695
5@ *= -1.0
0063: 5@ -= 7@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float)

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@
0025:   3@ > 1@
004D: goto_if_false @1738
005B: 4@ += 9@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float)

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@
004D: goto_if_false @1791
4@ *= -1.0
0063: 4@ -= 10@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float)

0A8D: read_memory 11989592 size 4 vp 0 store_to 11@
0063: 11@ -= 15@ // (float)
00D6: if and
   not 11@ >= 0.18
  11@ > -0.18
004D: goto_if_false @1853
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @1855

059A:  return_false

ret 1 15@

0A96: get_char_pointer $PLAYER_ACTOR store_to 0@
0@ += 1816
0A8D: read_memory 0@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 1@
00D6: if or
  1@ == 2
  1@ == 3
  1@ == 4
  1@ == 5
  1@ == 6
  1@ == 7
004D: goto_if_false @1953
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @1955

059A:  return_false

ret 1 1@

28@ = 0.0

0A8D: read_memory 12010640 size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@
29@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@
30@ = 0

0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 31@
29@ += 1
00D6: if and
  31@ >= 0
  128 > 31@
004D: goto_if_false @2299
005A: 31@ += 30@ // (int)
00D6: if
056D:   does_char_exist 31@
004D: goto_if_false @2299
00D6: if
803C:   not  $PLAYER_ACTOR == 31@
004D: goto_if_false @2299
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 27@ 26@ 25@
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 24@ 23@ 22@
00D6: if and
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 27@ 26@ 25@ to 24@ 23@ 22@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0
80DF:   not is_char_in_any_car 31@
8118:   not is_char_dead 31@
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 31@
004D: goto_if_false @2299
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 10@ 11@ 12@
0AB1: call @2356 3 10@ 11@ 12@ 13@ 14@ 
0509: get_distance_between_coords_2d 339.1 179.1 and 13@ 14@ store_to 15@
00D6: if
0035:   28@ >= 15@
004D: goto_if_false @2299
ret 1 31@

30@ += 256
  30@ > 35584
004D: goto_if_false @2013
28@ += 8.0
001D:   28@ > 0@
004D: goto_if_false @1973
ret 1 -1

0AC7: get_var_pointer 0@ store_to 14@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 3@ store_to 15@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 6@ store_to 16@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 9@ store_to 17@
0AA5: call_function 7392816 num_params 6 pop 6 0 0 17@ 16@ 15@ 14@ 
12@ = 640.0
13@ = 448.0
0A8D: read_memory 12677188 size 4 vp 0 store_to 14@
0A8D: read_memory 12677192 size 4 vp 0 store_to 15@
0093: 14@ = int_to_float 14@
0093: 15@ = int_to_float 15@
0073: 12@ /= 14@ // (float)
0073: 13@ /= 15@ // (float)
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 13@ // (float)
ret 2 3@ 4@
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Реакции: Ghetto Thrasher


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Ghetto Thrasher

Автор темы
{$CLEO .cs}
while not Samp.Available()
    wait 0

wait 0
00D6: if
0AB0:   is_key_pressed 123
004D: goto_if_false @160
00D6: if
  31@ == 0
004D: goto_if_false @122
0AD1: print_formatted_now "FPSUP ~g~enabled" time 1000
31@ = 1
wait 200
0002: goto @160

0AD1: print_formatted_now "FPSUP ~r~disabled" time 1000
31@ = 0
wait 200

00D6: if
  31@ == 1
004D: goto_if_false @273
00D6: if and
0AD2:   get_char_player_is_targeting $PLAYER_CHAR store_to 2@
82D8:   not is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @224
0AB1: call @280 1 2@
0002: goto @273

00D6: if and
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
0AB1: call @1963 1 150.0 2@
004D: goto_if_false @273
0AB1: call @280 1 2@

0002: goto @41

0085: 2@ = 0@ // (int)
00D6: if and
056D:   does_char_exist 2@
00E1:   is_button_pressed 0 button 6
004D: goto_if_false @585
00D6: if and
8118:   not is_char_dead 2@
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 2@
004D: goto_if_false @585
0A96: get_char_pointer 2@ store_to 6@
6@ += 68
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 3@
6@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 4@
6@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 5@
00A0: get_char_coordinates 2@ store_to 6@ 7@ 8@
10@ = 5
11@ = 5
005A: 10@ += 11@ // (int)
0093: 10@ = int_to_float 10@
12@ = 17.0
12@ /= 360.0
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 5@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 3@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 5@ *= 10@ // (float)
005B: 6@ += 3@ // (float)
005B: 7@ += 4@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 5@ // (float)
00D6: if
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @563
0AB1: call @590 1 2@

0AB1: call @968 4 2@ 6@ 7@ 8@

ret 0

31@ = 6.0
29@ = 255
28@ = 55
27@ = 1.0
00D6: if
  31@ > 8.0
004D: goto_if_false @653
30@ = 1

00D6: if
   not 31@ >= 6.0
004D: goto_if_false @681
30@ = 0

00D6: if
  30@ == 0
004D: goto_if_false @709
31@ += 0.05

00D6: if
  30@ == 1
004D: goto_if_false @737
31@ -= 0.05

04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 0@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 1@ 2@ 3@
0AB1: call @2356 3 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float)
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float)
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
ret 0

0087: 4@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 5@ = 2@ // (float)
0087: 6@ = 3@ // (float)
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 1@ 2@ 3@
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 7@ 8@ 9@
0063: 1@ -= 4@ // (float)
0063: 2@ -= 5@ // (float)
0096: abs_var_float 1@
0096: abs_var_float 2@
0087: 10@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 11@ = 2@ // (float)
006B: 10@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 11@ *= 11@ // (float)
005B: 10@ += 11@ // (float)
01FB: sqrt 10@ store_to 10@
0087: 11@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 12@ = 10@ // (float)
0073: 11@ /= 12@ // (float)
0AA5: call_function 4327328 num_params 1 pop 1 11@
0AE9: pop_float 12@
0AA5: call_function 4775488 num_params 1 pop 1 11@
0AE9: pop_float 13@
00D6: if
0AB1: call @1863 0 16@
004D: goto_if_false @1302
00D6: if
0AB1: call @1364 7 4@ 5@ 7@ 8@ 12@ 13@ 16@ 15@
004D: goto_if_false @1302
00D6: if
0AB1: call @1307 6 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ 8@ 9@
004D: goto_if_false @1302
15@ += 0.0387
0A8C: write_memory 11989592 size 4 val 15@ vp 0

ret 0

00D6: if
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 3@ 4@ 5@ to 0@ 1@ 2@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0
004D: goto_if_false @1357
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @1359

059A:  return_false

ret 0

00D6: if
  6@ == 5
004D: goto_if_false @1429
7@ = 0.011
8@ = 0.011
9@ = 1.5595
10@ = 1.582
0002: goto @1599

00D6: if
  6@ == 6
004D: goto_if_false @1559
00D6: if
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @1512
7@ = 0.039
8@ = 0.039
9@ = 1.532
10@ = 1.61
0002: goto @1552

7@ = 0.02
8@ = 0.02
9@ = 1.5507
10@ = 1.5907

0002: goto @1599

7@ = -0.003
8@ = -0.003
9@ = 1.572
10@ = 1.568

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@
0025:   3@ > 1@
004D: goto_if_false @1642
0063: 5@ -= 8@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float)

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@
004D: goto_if_false @1695
5@ *= -1.0
0063: 5@ -= 7@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float)

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@
0025:   3@ > 1@
004D: goto_if_false @1738
005B: 4@ += 9@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float)

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@
004D: goto_if_false @1791
4@ *= -1.0
0063: 4@ -= 10@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float)

0A8D: read_memory 11989592 size 4 vp 0 store_to 11@
0063: 11@ -= 15@ // (float)
00D6: if and
   not 11@ >= 0.18
  11@ > -0.18
004D: goto_if_false @1853
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @1855

059A:  return_false

ret 1 15@

0A96: get_char_pointer $PLAYER_ACTOR store_to 0@
0@ += 1816
0A8D: read_memory 0@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 1@
00D6: if or
  1@ == 2
  1@ == 3
  1@ == 4
  1@ == 5
  1@ == 6
  1@ == 7
004D: goto_if_false @1953
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @1955

059A:  return_false

ret 1 1@

28@ = 0.0

0A8D: read_memory 12010640 size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@
29@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@
30@ = 0

0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 31@
29@ += 1
00D6: if and
  31@ >= 0
  128 > 31@
004D: goto_if_false @2299
005A: 31@ += 30@ // (int)
00D6: if
056D:   does_char_exist 31@
004D: goto_if_false @2299
00D6: if
803C:   not  $PLAYER_ACTOR == 31@
004D: goto_if_false @2299
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 27@ 26@ 25@
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 24@ 23@ 22@
00D6: if and
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 27@ 26@ 25@ to 24@ 23@ 22@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0
80DF:   not is_char_in_any_car 31@
8118:   not is_char_dead 31@
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 31@
004D: goto_if_false @2299
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 10@ 11@ 12@
0AB1: call @2356 3 10@ 11@ 12@ 13@ 14@
0509: get_distance_between_coords_2d 339.1 179.1 and 13@ 14@ store_to 15@
00D6: if
0035:   28@ >= 15@
004D: goto_if_false @2299
ret 1 31@

30@ += 256
  30@ > 35584
004D: goto_if_false @2013
28@ += 8.0
001D:   28@ > 0@
004D: goto_if_false @1973
ret 1 -1

0AC7: get_var_pointer 0@ store_to 14@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 3@ store_to 15@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 6@ store_to 16@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 9@ store_to 17@
0AA5: call_function 7392816 num_params 6 pop 6 0 0 17@ 16@ 15@ 14@
12@ = 640.0
13@ = 448.0
0A8D: read_memory 12677188 size 4 vp 0 store_to 14@
0A8D: read_memory 12677192 size 4 vp 0 store_to 15@
0093: 14@ = int_to_float 14@
0093: 15@ = int_to_float 15@
0073: 12@ /= 14@ // (float)
0073: 13@ /= 15@ // (float)
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 13@ // (float)
ret 2 3@ 4@

Ghetto Thrasher

Автор темы
я ничего не менял кроме названий лэйблов. Не знаю почему лагает
А можешь сделать показатель ФПС, рандомные цифры от 50-120. В правый нижний уголок, который запустится после активации скрипта, исчезнет после деактивации? Влить в этот скрипт.
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP
0001: wait 2000
03A4: script_name "$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE"
03F0: use_text_commands 1
31@ = 0

0001: wait 0
00D6: if
0AB0:   is_key_pressed 123
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_160
00D6: if
  31@ == 0
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_122
0AD1: print_formatted_now "FPS UP ~g~enabled" time 1000
31@ = 1
0001: wait 200
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_160

0AD1: print_formatted_now "FPS UP ~r~disabled" time 1000
31@ = 0
0001: wait 200

00D6: if
  31@ == 1
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273
00D6: if and
0AD2:   get_char_player_is_targeting $PLAYER_CHAR store_to 2@
82D8:   not is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_224
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_280 1 2@
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273

00D6: if and
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1963 1 150.0 2@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_280 1 2@


0085: 2@ = 0@ // (int)
00D6: if and
056D:   does_char_exist 2@
00E1:   is_button_pressed 0 button 6
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_585
00D6: if and
8118:   not is_char_dead 2@
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 2@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_585
0A96: get_char_pointer 2@ store_to 6@
6@ += 68
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 3@
6@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 4@
6@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 5@
00A0: get_char_coordinates 2@ store_to 6@ 7@ 8@
10@ = 5
11@ = 5
005A: 10@ += 11@ // (int)
0093: 10@ = int_to_float 10@
12@ = 17.0
12@ /= 360.0
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 5@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 3@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 5@ *= 10@ // (float)
005B: 6@ += 3@ // (float)
005B: 7@ += 4@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 5@ // (float)
00D6: if
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_563
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_590 1 2@

0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_968 4 2@ 6@ 7@ 8@

0AB2: ret 0

31@ = 6.0
29@ = 255
28@ = 55
27@ = 1.0
00D6: if
  31@ > 8.0
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_653
30@ = 1

00D6: if
   not 31@ >= 6.0
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_681
30@ = 0

00D6: if
  30@ == 0
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_709
31@ += 0.05

00D6: if
  30@ == 1
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_737
31@ -= 0.05

04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 0@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 1@ 2@ 3@
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2356 3 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float)
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float)
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0AB2: ret 0

0087: 4@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 5@ = 2@ // (float)
0087: 6@ = 3@ // (float)
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 1@ 2@ 3@
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 7@ 8@ 9@
0063: 1@ -= 4@ // (float)
0063: 2@ -= 5@ // (float)
0096: abs_var_float 1@
0096: abs_var_float 2@
0087: 10@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 11@ = 2@ // (float)
006B: 10@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 11@ *= 11@ // (float)
005B: 10@ += 11@ // (float)
01FB: sqrt 10@ store_to 10@
0087: 11@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 12@ = 10@ // (float)
0073: 11@ /= 12@ // (float)
0AA5: call_function 4327328 num_params 1 pop 1 11@
0AE9: pop_float 12@
0AA5: call_function 4775488 num_params 1 pop 1 11@
0AE9: pop_float 13@
00D6: if
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1863 0 16@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302
00D6: if
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1364 7 4@ 5@ 7@ 8@ 12@ 13@ 16@ 15@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302
00D6: if
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1307 6 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ 8@ 9@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302
15@ += 0.0387
0A8C: write_memory 11989592 size 4 val 15@ vp 0

0AB2: ret 0

00D6: if
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 3@ 4@ 5@ to 0@ 1@ 2@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1357
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1359

059A:  return_false

0AB2: ret 0

00D6: if
  6@ == 5
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1429
7@ = 0.011
8@ = 0.011
9@ = 1.5595
10@ = 1.582
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1599

00D6: if
  6@ == 6
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1559
00D6: if
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1512
7@ = 0.039
8@ = 0.039
9@ = 1.532
10@ = 1.61
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1552

7@ = 0.02
8@ = 0.02
9@ = 1.5507
10@ = 1.5907

0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1599

7@ = -0.003
8@ = -0.003
9@ = 1.572
10@ = 1.568

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@
0025:   3@ > 1@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1642
0063: 5@ -= 8@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float)

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1695
5@ *= -1.0
0063: 5@ -= 7@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float)

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@
0025:   3@ > 1@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1738
005B: 4@ += 9@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float)

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1791
4@ *= -1.0
0063: 4@ -= 10@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float)

0A8D: read_memory 11989592 size 4 vp 0 store_to 11@
0063: 11@ -= 15@ // (float)
00D6: if and
   not 11@ >= 0.18
  11@ > -0.18
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1853
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1855

059A:  return_false

0AB2: ret 1 15@

0A96: get_char_pointer $PLAYER_ACTOR store_to 0@
0@ += 1816
0A8D: read_memory 0@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 1@
00D6: if or
  1@ == 2
  1@ == 3
  1@ == 4
  1@ == 5
  1@ == 6
  1@ == 7
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1953
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1955

059A:  return_false

0AB2: ret 1 1@

28@ = 0.0

0A8D: read_memory 12010640 size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@
29@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@
30@ = 0

0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 31@
29@ += 1
00D6: if and
  31@ >= 0
  128 > 31@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299
005A: 31@ += 30@ // (int)
00D6: if
056D:   does_char_exist 31@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299
00D6: if
803C:   not  $PLAYER_ACTOR == 31@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 27@ 26@ 25@
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 24@ 23@ 22@
00D6: if and
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 27@ 26@ 25@ to 24@ 23@ 22@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0
80DF:   not is_char_in_any_car 31@
8118:   not is_char_dead 31@
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 31@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 10@ 11@ 12@
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2356 3 10@ 11@ 12@ 13@ 14@
0509: get_distance_between_coords_2d 339.1 179.1 and 13@ 14@ store_to 15@
00D6: if
0035:   28@ >= 15@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299
0AB2: ret 1 31@

30@ += 256
  30@ > 35584
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2013
28@ += 8.0
001D:   28@ > 0@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1973
0AB2: ret 1 -1

0AC7: get_var_pointer 0@ store_to 14@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 3@ store_to 15@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 6@ store_to 16@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 9@ store_to 17@
0AA5: call_function 7392816 num_params 6 pop 6 0 0 17@ 16@ 15@ 14@
12@ = 640.0
13@ = 448.0
0A8D: read_memory 12677188 size 4 vp 0 store_to 14@
0A8D: read_memory 12677192 size 4 vp 0 store_to 15@
0093: 14@ = int_to_float 14@
0093: 15@ = int_to_float 15@
0073: 12@ /= 14@ // (float)
0073: 13@ /= 15@ // (float)
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 13@ // (float)
0AB2: ret 2 3@ 4@


А можешь сделать показатель ФПС, рандомные цифры от 50-120. В правый нижний уголок, который запустится после активации скрипта, исчезнет после деактивации? Влить в этот скрипт.
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP
0001: wait 2000
03A4: script_name "$SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE"
03F0: use_text_commands 1
31@ = 0

0001: wait 0
00D6: if
0AB0:   is_key_pressed 123
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_160
00D6: if
  31@ == 0
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_122
0AD1: print_formatted_now "FPS UP ~g~enabled" time 1000
31@ = 1
0001: wait 200
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_160

0AD1: print_formatted_now "FPS UP ~r~disabled" time 1000
31@ = 0
0001: wait 200

00D6: if
  31@ == 1
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273
00D6: if and
0AD2:   get_char_player_is_targeting $PLAYER_CHAR store_to 2@
82D8:   not is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_224
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_280 1 2@
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273

00D6: if and
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1963 1 150.0 2@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_273
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_280 1 2@


0085: 2@ = 0@ // (int)
00D6: if and
056D:   does_char_exist 2@
00E1:   is_button_pressed 0 button 6
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_585
00D6: if and
8118:   not is_char_dead 2@
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 2@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_585
0A96: get_char_pointer 2@ store_to 6@
6@ += 68
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 3@
6@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 4@
6@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 6@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 5@
00A0: get_char_coordinates 2@ store_to 6@ 7@ 8@
10@ = 5
11@ = 5
005A: 10@ += 11@ // (int)
0093: 10@ = int_to_float 10@
12@ = 17.0
12@ /= 360.0
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 5@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 3@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 5@ *= 10@ // (float)
005B: 6@ += 3@ // (float)
005B: 7@ += 4@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 5@ // (float)
00D6: if
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_563
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_590 1 2@

0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_968 4 2@ 6@ 7@ 8@

0AB2: ret 0

31@ = 6.0
29@ = 255
28@ = 55
27@ = 1.0
00D6: if
  31@ > 8.0
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_653
30@ = 1

00D6: if
   not 31@ >= 6.0
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_681
30@ = 0

00D6: if
  30@ == 0
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_709
31@ += 0.05

00D6: if
  30@ == 1
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_737
31@ -= 0.05

04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 0@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 1@ 2@ 3@
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2356 3 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float)
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 4@ // (float)
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 1@ 5@ size 27@ 8.0 colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 1@ += 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0087: 1@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 1@ -= 31@ // (float)
038E: draw_rect 4@ 1@ size 8.0 27@ colour 28@ 29@ 25 255
0AB2: ret 0

0087: 4@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 5@ = 2@ // (float)
0087: 6@ = 3@ // (float)
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 1@ 2@ 3@
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 7@ 8@ 9@
0063: 1@ -= 4@ // (float)
0063: 2@ -= 5@ // (float)
0096: abs_var_float 1@
0096: abs_var_float 2@
0087: 10@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 11@ = 2@ // (float)
006B: 10@ *= 10@ // (float)
006B: 11@ *= 11@ // (float)
005B: 10@ += 11@ // (float)
01FB: sqrt 10@ store_to 10@
0087: 11@ = 1@ // (float)
0087: 12@ = 10@ // (float)
0073: 11@ /= 12@ // (float)
0AA5: call_function 4327328 num_params 1 pop 1 11@
0AE9: pop_float 12@
0AA5: call_function 4775488 num_params 1 pop 1 11@
0AE9: pop_float 13@
00D6: if
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1863 0 16@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302
00D6: if
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1364 7 4@ 5@ 7@ 8@ 12@ 13@ 16@ 15@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302
00D6: if
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1307 6 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ 8@ 9@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1302
15@ += 0.0387
0A8C: write_memory 11989592 size 4 val 15@ vp 0

0AB2: ret 0

00D6: if
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 3@ 4@ 5@ to 0@ 1@ 2@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1357
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1359

059A:  return_false

0AB2: ret 0

00D6: if
  6@ == 5
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1429
7@ = 0.011
8@ = 0.011
9@ = 1.5595
10@ = 1.582
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1599

00D6: if
  6@ == 6
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1559
00D6: if
02D8:   is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 34
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1512
7@ = 0.039
8@ = 0.039
9@ = 1.532
10@ = 1.61
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1552

7@ = 0.02
8@ = 0.02
9@ = 1.5507
10@ = 1.5907

0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1599

7@ = -0.003
8@ = -0.003
9@ = 1.572
10@ = 1.568

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@
0025:   3@ > 1@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1642
0063: 5@ -= 8@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float)

00D6: if and
0025:   2@ > 0@
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1695
5@ *= -1.0
0063: 5@ -= 7@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 5@ // (float)

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@
0025:   3@ > 1@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1738
005B: 4@ += 9@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float)

00D6: if and
8035:   not  2@ >= 0@
8035:   not  3@ >= 1@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1791
4@ *= -1.0
0063: 4@ -= 10@ // (float)
0087: 15@ = 4@ // (float)

0A8D: read_memory 11989592 size 4 vp 0 store_to 11@
0063: 11@ -= 15@ // (float)
00D6: if and
   not 11@ >= 0.18
  11@ > -0.18
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1853
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1855

059A:  return_false

0AB2: ret 1 15@

0A96: get_char_pointer $PLAYER_ACTOR store_to 0@
0@ += 1816
0A8D: read_memory 0@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 1@
00D6: if or
  1@ == 2
  1@ == 3
  1@ == 4
  1@ == 5
  1@ == 6
  1@ == 7
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1953
0485: is_pc_version
0002: goto @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1955

059A:  return_false

0AB2: ret 1 1@

28@ = 0.0

0A8D: read_memory 12010640 size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@
29@ += 4
0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 4 vp 0 store_to 29@
30@ = 0

0A8D: read_memory 29@ size 1 vp 0 store_to 31@
29@ += 1
00D6: if and
  31@ >= 0
  128 > 31@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299
005A: 31@ += 30@ // (int)
00D6: if
056D:   does_char_exist 31@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299
00D6: if
803C:   not  $PLAYER_ACTOR == 31@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 27@ 26@ 25@
068D: get_active_camera_coordinates 24@ 23@ 22@
00D6: if and
06BD:   is_line_of_sight_clear 27@ 26@ 25@ to 24@ 23@ 22@ buildings 1 cars 0 chars 0 objects 0 particles 0
80DF:   not is_char_in_any_car 31@
8118:   not is_char_dead 31@
02CB:   is_char_on_screen 31@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299
04C4: get_offset_from_char_in_world_coords 31@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to 10@ 11@ 12@
0AB1: call @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2356 3 10@ 11@ 12@ 13@ 14@
0509: get_distance_between_coords_2d 339.1 179.1 and 13@ 14@ store_to 15@
00D6: if
0035:   28@ >= 15@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2299
0AB2: ret 1 31@

30@ += 256
  30@ > 35584
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_2013
28@ += 8.0
001D:   28@ > 0@
004D: goto_if_false @SPRINGFIELD_UGBASE_1973
0AB2: ret 1 -1

0AC7: get_var_pointer 0@ store_to 14@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 3@ store_to 15@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 6@ store_to 16@
0AC7: get_var_pointer 9@ store_to 17@
0AA5: call_function 7392816 num_params 6 pop 6 0 0 17@ 16@ 15@ 14@
12@ = 640.0
13@ = 448.0
0A8D: read_memory 12677188 size 4 vp 0 store_to 14@
0A8D: read_memory 12677192 size 4 vp 0 store_to 15@
0093: 14@ = int_to_float 14@
0093: 15@ = int_to_float 15@
0073: 12@ /= 14@ // (float)
0073: 13@ /= 15@ // (float)
006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float)
006B: 4@ *= 13@ // (float)
0AB2: ret 2 3@ 4@
Пиздец, какой вообще в этом смысл, если это аим спрингфилда, который водится за скином и спалиться на любом фрапсе.
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.